
The Association will hold the next elections for the Executive Board on November 21st. The Nomination Committee consists of Jeffery Asa-Hauser & Mohammed Islam.

Nominations can be made by completing this form

Slate of Officers


Vice President

Second Vice President


Recording Secretary

Corresponding Secretary

up to 7 trustees

Elections Procedures


Section 4. Nominations

Additional nominations may be received from the floor provided said nomination is seconded, that the nominee is present at the annual general meeting and consents to serve for the office nominated.

Section 4. Election Procedure

Once nominations are closed and the slate finalized, those members eligible to vote (as stated in Article 4, Section 10) may cast one vote for the candidate of his/her choice for each respective position. If the number of nominees for a position is the same or fewer than the number of openings, a vote of acclamation will be held for each candidate. Members eligible to vote will vote on if the candidate should be appointed to the position by a vote. A simple majority is needed for the nominee to obtain the position. In the case where the vote of acclimation is not a majority, that person will not be appointed to that position. In the event of a tie, the vote fails. The Nomination Committee shall pass out, collect, and count the ballots. Ballots may be distributed in advance by this committee as part of the procedure of signing-in. The election results shall be announced to the membership by the Nomination Chairperson who shall state the number of eligible votes, the number of votes counted, the number of votes necessary to elect, and the results of the balloting.